EtG Alcohol Test

Commodity Number#: 680-350-400-2002R
EtG Alcohol Test
In Stock
On-site single panel dip for EtG (Urine Lab Test). 25 per Box.

EtG is a direct metabolite of alcohol (ethanol). Its presence in urine may be used to detect recent ethanol ingestion, even after ethanol is no longer measurable. The presence of EtG in urine is an indicator that ethanol was ingested and can be detected in urine for up to eighty (80) hours after ingestion.

Price: $81.05

EtG is a direct metabolite of alcohol (ethanol). Its presence in urine may be used to detect recent ethanol ingestion, even after ethanol is no longer measurable. The presence of EtG in urine is an indicator that ethanol was ingested and can be detected in urine for up to eighty (80) hours after ingestion.

Core vs Non-Core
  • Detects recent ingestion more accurately and for a longer period of time than standard alcohol tests
  • Provides greater sensitivity and accuracy by measuring both EtG/EtS
  • Ideal for zero tolerance treatment programs and abstinence enforcement
  • EtG/EtS tests may be run conveniently with other RTL drug screens
  • Fast results (48 hours negative, 48-72 hours positive)